The Healing Miracle

I am scared to jinx myself, but I think I am all better!  And not a moment too soon.
Since Dec 28, I have been suffering from pain in my ankle that was far worse than the tendonitis I’d managed all fall.  My last run was on New Years Day in a long run cut short.  I have seen 3 doctors, undergone a variety of treatments and tried every support.  Last Friday I elected for a cortisone shot (which I learned is legal in the tendons and joints, but not in muscles).  I was scared of the worst case scenarios- tendon rupture, infection, and the possibility that it just wouldn’t work.  
10 minutes after leaving the doc’s office I realized that I could walk!  This was a big improvement already; I hadn’t walked without a limp for over a week.  But the miracle stopped there.  For the last 5 days I thought that was as good as it was going to get.  I know that I can run but have elected not to just in case.  The last thing I need is another tweak in the subtalor joint.  (But let me tell you, the bike is not my favorite).  
I was starting to feel like Ivan Ilach with my optimism every morning and the let down I felt when the ankle was the same as the day before.  BUT TODAY WAS DIFFERENT!  I should be getting ready for my flight in a few hours, but I wanted to let everyone know that I AM BETTER!  I think.  I haven’t run yet, but I was able to lift up to my toes for the first time in weeks.  All of my little tests suggest that we reached another level of healing and I AM READY TO RUN. 


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