The Longest Taper

What do you call it when you race a 50k in June, but then suffer injury and setback to settle on a half marathon in November, and then your husband gets sick so you swap his 50k for your half marathon?  

I don't know what that's called, but this is happening!  The North Face Endurance Utah 50k is coming on strong tomorrow.  I might be an idiot or perhaps the body remembers for months and years. Either way, my goal tomorrow is simply to enjoy the trails. Take the run as the adventure it will be. And don't get injured! Like Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies, I'll just shush away any of those dumb muscles trying to tell me I've done too much. 

(now that's a plan)

**my last long run was in Michigan: low altitude and muggy, fairly flat and did I mention it was in July?  You could say I am so totally ready for this race!**

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