Setting & Reviewing 10-year Goals
One of the first things we do as a lululemon ambassador is to set intentions for the next decade. 10 year goal setting was both new and foreign to me. I had often made vision boards, set goals and worked towards them. But to actually work through a full spectrum of the things that are important to me and set goals for the ripe old age of 47 was a challenge. 47 sounded so old. That’s looking down the barrel of 50. But I took a moment to look backwards and realized that from 27 to 37 I had done so much, seen so much, been so many places, tried so many new things, of course I would need 10 years to get all of that life experience in. The goal then, simply, is to keep up that drive, exploration, and desire to see/do/experience it all and life would become appropriately full. I began to understand that goal setting at this stage is possibly more important than ever; that perhaps the ability to dream and then plan and achieve would be the recipe to stave off a mid-life crisis. As long as we continue to move forward, we continue to find pride in our life accomplishments, right?
I set a whole bunch of other goals- some of which have already come to fruition (early!) and others that need to be refined, some that seem to be playing out in a different means than I intended and others that just aren’t sticking the way I had hoped. That’s the best part of goal setting- you have a chance to see what really matters to you when you review the goals a year or so later. For me, this is a fluid working document and I keep the 6 main goals close to my heart and my intentions.