Seawheeze Half Marathon

Seawheeze is a half marathon in Vancouver, BC hosted by lululemon with a bit of a festival feel.  I had never heard of it before joining the company as an ambassador, but I quickly gained an understanding of just how big of a deal this race is.  The race sells out in 5 minutes and it is all a matter of luck if you get in or not.  Even as an ambassador!  Just two Betties made it into the race but I ended up going up there alone (with my awesome family too!). 

I didn’t know any of the runners, but I knew a whole bunch of the Pace Beavers (pacers who help participants reach their goal, mixed into the race crowds) from Ambassador Summit and Wanderlust participation.  It was great to reconnect with friends!  lululemon hosted a dinner at their headquarters and with so many run ambassadors- both current and legacy- we had a chance to share ideas on coaching groups, private sessions, and boring details such as limits of insurance and liability.  This dinner felt to me like a runners-only Ambassador Summit, and I have to admit that I loved it!  I mean, I loved the yogis and cyclists and cross fitters at Summit too, but damn it is good to hang with runners! ;)

The race was a fun course.  We ran through town, along the seawall and into the park.  I felt a little seasick at one point as the waves crashed on the wall and the oceanic smell of fish, saltwater, seaweed and a little oil or industry came on strong.  But I pushed to the end and found a friend from the Idaho store waiting to give me a big sweaty hug.  Ok, he wasn’t waiting for me but it’s always fun to see a familiar face in an unexpected place.  

The race was incredible and the support was top notch.  I enjoyed racing the race but I am thrilled to report that I will be heading back to Seawheeze as a pace beaver in 2017.  What better way to enjoy the spirit of community than to help the 2:10 half marathoners get across the finish line with their goal firmly in hand?  

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