Most Inspirational Award Goes To...

Here is a note from my friend and occasional training partner, Angenie.  This is regarding our mutual friend, Johanna Olson who serves as an inspiration from the day she kicked my butt in an 18 mile tempo run.  Even today, she is doing what I can't do- training for a marathon.  Read on and find yourself equally inspired!

"I think most of you know that my close friend Johanna Olson has been battling a brain tumor for 13 years and the last three years have been very serious.  She had her third brain surgery about one year ago.  Unfortunately, this is an aggressive brain tumor that will keep coming back.  Currently, it is back again and she is fighting it with a drug called Avastin.  For anyone who knows Johanna she is a truly amazing person and has a remarkable spirit and zest for life. 
The latest fun adventure she has taken on is training for the Twin Cities Marathon.  She and some of her friends and family are going to run the Twin Cites Marathon on October 7, 2012.  Johanna loves to run and have a goal.  She has been so excited to train for this marathon and is really looking forward to the race.  She wants as many people to be there with her as possible.  Unfortunately, not all of us can get to Twin Cities or are up for a marathon, but we can all be virtual runners with Johanna.

The entry fee for TCM is $125.  Would you pay $125 to NOT run a marathon?  Help Johanna pay down some of her medical bills and increasing daily expenses by becoming a "virtual marathoner".  If a marathon is too far for you, what about a 10 miler, 10K or 5K? 

Suggested donations:
  • Marathon supporter: $125
  • 10 mile supporter: $75
  • 10K supporter: $50
  • 5K supporter: $25
  • 2 mile: $20
  • 1 mile: $10

Let's see how many miles of support we can get for Johanna.  Anything over $125 and you are an "ultra supporter".
You can donate on Johanna's website at  Also, if you can't donate check out Johanna's website anyway.  She has a truly inspirational story. 
Please, pass along this email if there is anyone you think might be interested."  - Angenie McCleary


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